Saturday, November 12, 2011

Proof the big banks are terrified

From the "Daily Kos" :

Since September 29, at least 700,000 Americans have moved their money out of big banks and into credit unions.

The big banks are so freaked out by what's happening that some have locked their doors and even called the police on customers who tried to close their accounts.

Click here for ten amazing stories about big banks desperately trying to stop customers from closing their accounts.

Please share these stories with a friend, too. Everyone needs to know we have the big banks on the run.

Keep fighting,
Markos Moulitsas
Founder, Daily Kos
PS: Help keep Daily Kos strong by chipping in to support us.


seems the whole system's experiencing seismic shocks. That's what wall street accomplished and will continue to accomplish every 15 years or so until the accomplish too far and bring the whole thing down; at least for most people, there will still be "groups" that will kling to each other as they have done, century after century, waiting to infest the next great thing that comes along...

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